Airport Residential Area like its name suggests, is a serene and beautiful neighborhood adjacent the Kotoka International Airport with several well-tarred streets, beautiful buildings and avenue trees lined up along the streets bringing up a peaceful atmosphere conducive for residential and business purposes.
Located to the North-East of Accra Central, and neighbouring the 37 military hospital to the south; Dzorwulu and the Accra Mall to the North; Roman Ridge to the West and the Kotoka International Airport to the East. Green Views Residential Apartments is located at the Northern part of Airport Residential Area and close to the popular Nyaho Medical Centre.
The easy accessibility of the Airport Residential Area has made it a very conducive place to have residential facilities as well as businesses. Due to these there are many NGOs and other companies who have found this area to be an ideal for productive work.
You may be want to partner with any of these companies for a project, or just find a place to work whiles you enjoy your stay at Green Views Residential Apartments. Here is a list of 10 companies in Airport Residential.

Airport Residential Area, Accra
Geodrill is a leading exploration drilling company with a fleet of 67 drill rigs operating in Africa including Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali and Zambia. Geodrill provides services such as Reverse Circulation (RC), Diamond Core (Core), Air Core (AC), Grade Control (GC), Geo-tech (GT) and Water bore (WB) to major, intermediate and junior mining companies. Geodrill has built an enviable reputation as being customer focused and this has been built on the careful selection of Safety and service oriented drilling personnel as well as the attention to keeping a modern, well maintained fleet of drills to the highest Health Safety and Environmental standards.
JICA stands for Japan International Cooperation Agency and they work very closely with individuals and the Ghanaian government to help solve problems in Agriculture particularly in the area of Rice Cultivation, economic infrastructure (electricity and transport), health and science/mathematics education and capacity development in administrative and financial management.
Roche is a manufacturing and distribution pharmaceutical company that exists on over 150 countries with over 79000 staff strength. With the goal of becoming the world’s leading research- focused healthcare groups. Roche is growing and striving to achieve its aim by being the best in the pharmaceutical industry.
This is a company founded in Johannesburg, South Africa and deals with the manufacture of explosives that serve the mining and construction industries throughout Africa. The original Name of the company is African Explosives Limited. They operate manufacturing facilities in Ghana, Mali, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. AEL is linked to a chemical company in South Africa.
The German Development Cooperation popularly known as GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). GIZ cooperates with the Government of Ghana on agriculture, governance and sustainable economic development. This NGO works with major processing companies who benefit from training in good agricultural practices and also provides consultation and advisory services to Ghana’s Ministry of food and Agriculture. German Development Cooperation augments the Government’s efforts to deliver improved services for citizens as well as works with the major economic and financial bodies to provide access to financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises and boost employment in the financial sector.
Ghana National Gas Company (GNGC) is the leading State-owned gas company in Ghana and is responsible for gathering, processing, marketing and transportation of natural gas resources. Ghana Gas has played a significant role in Ghana’s industrialization since they produce natural gas and gas-based resources for domestic, commercial and industrial use. They produce up to 50% of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) consumed in the country. So Ghana Gas produces LPG which is transported to various off takers to be distributed and sold to the end user. The LPG is therefore used by about 90% of Ghanaians for cooking and other domestic purposes.
Since 1996, Knight Piesold has been providing engineering and environmental consulting services within Ghana and neighboring West African countries. Consulting for a significant number of mines in Ghana has been a norm and KPC is growing as a recognized leader and specialist in mine tailings management within the country. The company also operates a soils laboratory that works primarily in accordance with International Standards and carries out soil and aggregate classification tests and specific soil strength tests. Every year, the company undertakes a corporate social responsibility that involves educating local high school students about engineering through series of presentations and friendly competitions.
Injaro is an investment company that is situated in the Airport Residential Area and aims at bringing out the African entrepreneurial spirit and the ability of the African Entrepreneur to build successful businesses that make a difference in the lives of the communities in which they operate. Injaro actually comes from Kilimanjaro (Highest Mountain in Africa located in Kenya) which in Swahili means ‘Mountain of Greatness’. They have various investment products that are geared to supporting entrepreneurs create an Africa that future Africans would prefer to inhabit rather than flee. They have Branches in Coté d’Ivoire, Ghana and Mauritius.
The IRC Ghana works with government, development partners, private sector organizations, NGOs and research institutions to diagnose underlying causes of failure of water systems, and together generate alternative solutions and ideas. These are tested in pilot districts to establish their effectiveness and proven results and tools are shared to inform local government planning and decisions on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene investment, operational management of water facilities and adaptations to national policies standards and guidelines.
Rolider specializes in all the fields of civil engineering construction works to insure the customer needs. The company holds high professional ratings thus enabling it to carry out government funded projects and is one of the largest construction companies in Ghana. They have undertaking some important civil works including Sogakope-Adidome road, Tema Logistic Center Teshie-Nungua Junction Mall and many others.