The country’s main port, Tema Habour, which is currently undergoing expansion works is expected to have its first phase completed and open for operations by June this year.

Breakwater construction © Meridian Port Service Limited

The US$1.5 billion project, which is a public-private partnership between government and the Meridian Ports Services (MPS), will triple the port’s current traffic of about one million Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) to 3.5 million.

The project will also have a dredged 19-metre-deep port access channel, a new 1.4-kilometer-long quay for four container berths with a 16-metre draft and a 4-kilometer-long breakwater which will enable the expanded Tema Port to accommodate some of the world’s largest container ships as well as improving cargo handling services and capacity. The port will also move from about 5000 TEU to around 14,000.

Container terminal

Container terminal

Recent updates show the project is now over 50 percent complete with more than 70 out of 168 acres of land reclaimed from the sea for construction of the terminals. The project can also accommodate 18 to 20 berths.

Tema Port expansion is further designed to develop twice the size of the current expansion on the peninsula in the future. The expansion will make the Tema Port one of the largest on the continent and facilitate trade, thereby, increasing government revenue.